Design of Intelligent Chatbot for Stress Management
Conference paper

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on using natural language processing (NLP) in chatbots to manage stress in war-affected countries. A Java-based chatbot was designed to alleviate stress using two algorithms: TextRank and Stanford_CoreNLP. The problem was solved by integrating different languages using a plugin. The chatbot was tested with fifteen people and received positive feedback. Modifications were made based on user feedback, with journaling being a winner. However, the chatbot faced limitations like a lack of Arabic language support and voice chat features.

Adel Ali Faraj Eluheshi, Amira Shlebik, (12-2024), Libya: The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 17-27

Simulation of Vertical Waterflooding In a Hawaz Reservoir Using Eclipse for Reservoir Pressure Maintenance
Conference paper

Water injection has proven to be one of the most successful, efficient and cost-effective reservoir management strategies. By reinjecting treated and filtered water into tanks, this approach can help maintain tank pressure, increase hydrocarbon production, and reduce environmental impact. The goal of this project is to create a water injection model using Eclipse tank simulation software to better understand water injection methods to maintain tank pressure. A basic reservoir model is utilized in this investigation. The simulation was performed about 52 years using ECLIPSE Reservoir simulator. In all cases, result shows that oil production with water injection is higher compared with the base case. With this, it would be preferred to apply waterflooding for oil recovery in depleted reservoirs to the use of primary methods. It is also observed that water breakthrough is earlier and water production increases gently with water injection rates. Sensitivity on the injection rate using the 3D model showed that the injection rate has impact on the process. The pressure increases with high injection water rate in all cases. Despite higher reservoir pressure and early in water breakthrough, water flooding accounts for less oil recovery due to rapid water production. Generally, based on the results and discussions, it can be concluded that the water injection option can be used to increase the reservoir pressure to a good extent. 

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (11-2024), Sebha University Conference Proceedings: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 367-374

دوروأهمية نظم المعلومات الجغر افية في مجال النقل البري (ورقة استعراضية
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

تعتبر الطرق من أهم المنشآت في حياتنا والتي نعتمد عليها اعتماد كلي في نقل البضائع والمواصلات, وهي وسيلة النقل الأساسية داخل وخارج المدن لهذا يجب أن تكون هذه الطرق امنة وسليمة وخالية من المشاكل والعيوب, لذلك يجب متابعة مواعيد صيانتها وتطويرها والتخطيط الدائم لان تكون هذه الطرق ضمن المشاريع والخطط الدائمة للتنمية والتطوير, حتى توفر نظام نقل جيد يساعد على الازدهار والتقدم داخل الدول. وبعد ثبوت أهمية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ودخولها وسيطرتها في اغلب المجالات عامة وفي مجال الطرق خاصة ومساعدتها على حل المشكلات وتحليل البيانات وتسهيل وتوفير الوقت والجهد في ترتيب وحفظ البيانات ايضا وقدرتها على حفظ كمية ضخمة من البيانات بطريقة منظمة ومنسقة, تبحث هذه الدراسة في الأبحاث السابقة حول دور نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ( )GISفي هندسة الطرق، بهدف فهم أهمية هذه التكنولوجيا واستخدامها الفعال في هذا المجال. تسعى الدراسة إلى تجميع الأفكار من خلال مراجعة مجموعة من الدراسات السابقة ها لتوضيح أهمية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ودورها النشط في تطوير شبكات الطرق وتحسينها وتصميم وتخطيطها

آلاء الرحمن علي الفتلاوي، اسماعيل قودان علي نايل، (11-2024)، المؤتمر السابع للعلوم والتكنولوجيا: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية، 456-468

Analytic Study of Linear Analysis vs. Nonlinear Analysis: Optimum and Sustainable Structure Perspective
Journal Article

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of linear and nonlinear structural analysis methods, evaluating their Its effect in optimizing and sustaining structural designs. By leveraging advanced scientific data and analytical techniques, this study aims to discern the optimal conditions and scenarios for employing each method. The research includes detailed calculations, comparative data, and case studies, emphasizing the sustainability implications and long-term benefits of each approach.

Mohamed Ali karim, (11-2024), مجلة جامعة سبها: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 3 (3), 23-24

A Comparative Study of Water and Gas Injection Simulation in Libyan X Field Using Eclipse Software
Conference paper

The main goal of this study (which the comprehensive reservoir study for Libyan X Field plan of development) is to predict future performance of a reservoir and find ways and means of optimizing the recovery of some of the hydrocarbon under various operating conditions. The simulator results show the reservoir pressure history curve is matching to the stimulation curve, this gives a good indication of the input data that has been entered to the model. The driving mechanism for all those reservoirs it comes from three natural forces, which are fluid expansion, PV compressibility, and water influx. The best method to choose as secondary recovery for this oil field is water and gas Injection. Water and gas Injection have the largest Total Field Recovery. Water and gas Injection have the highest Reservoir Pressure at the end of the project. The highest percentage of oil recovery was when the water and gas were injected and it reached 58%, then when the water was injected and it reached 55%, and then when the gas was actually injected and it reached 54%. The field pressure rise was greater when water and gas were injected, and the pressure reached 792 psi, while it was less when only water was injected, reaching 435.5 psi, and when only gas was injected, it reached 412.9 psi. Finally, central objective of this master thesis with the help of reservoir simulation fulfilled to produce future prediction that will lead to optimize reservoir performance which meant reservoir developed in the manner that brings utmost benefit to the commercial business.

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (10-2024), Sebha University Conference Proceedings: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 166-178

Evaluation the Primary Drive Mechanisms and PVT Analysis by using Material Balance Software (MBAL Software) for Intisar “D” Reef Reservoir
Conference paper

Identifying the driving mechanism and PVT analysis is important for optimizing reservoir development plans through primary, secondary, or tertiary recovery methods. Also, determining the size of an aquifer (based on its response to pressure support) provides a means of calibrating known physics against production data, which once calibrated can be used for prediction. In this paper, the types of natural drivers of the reservoir were estimated and compared using a program called MBAL after matching production history data with model results. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the basic driving mechanisms and PVT analysis using MBAL software for Intisar D field. The final project results can be seen matching the real data of the reservoir with the program results using MBAL software. The simulation results show that the reservoir pressure history curve matches the stimulation curve, and this gives a good indication of the input data fed into the model. The driving mechanism for all these tanks comes from three natural forces, namely fluid expansion, compression, and water flow. It started with the expansion of the fluid from 0 to 0.60, with the compressibility from 0.60 to 0.89, and with the flow of water from 0.89 to 1 is the flow of water.

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (10-2024), Sebha University Conference Proceedings: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 159-165

Compliance of Libyan Government Websites with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Standards
Journal Article

This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the compliance of key Libyan government websites with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, the latest international standard for digital accessibility published in October 2023. The assessment focuses on the nine new success criteria introduced in WCAG 2.2, which aim to improve accessibility for users with low vision, cognitive, and motor disabilities. By conducting thorough automated and manual testing, this research identifies the specific strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated websites in meeting WCAG 2.2 requirements at the A, AA, and AAA levels. The findings reveal significant areas for improvement across the government's online presence and provide actionable recommendations for Libyan institutions to enhance their digital accessibility efforts and create a more inclusive online environment for all citizens. KEYWORDS: digital accessibility, web accessibility, compliance, Libyan government websites

Musa Kh A Faneer, (10-2024), المجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم و التقنية الاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا: Libyan Academy, 4 (1), 189-192

Investigation of the effect of the Reservoir Rock Compressibility on Oil Recovery Factor during Gas Injection
Journal Article

A type of EOR, secondary production includes water flooding and gas injection. Normally, gas is injected into the gas cap and water is injected into the production zone to sweep oil from the reservoir. A pressure-maintenance program can begin during the primary recovery stage, but it is a form of enhanced recovery. The main purpose of this report is to investigate the effect of the reservoir rock compressibility on oil recovery factor during gas injection. The problem statement of this study is firstly, as the reservoir oil and gas production under primary conditions, causes the reservoir pressure to decline. Secondly, A gas injection is required to re-energize or “re-pressurize" the reservoir. The main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of the reservoir fluid densities on oil recovery factor during gas injection. By using ECLIPES Software, we model the data and find out the best prediction of gas injection that is suitable for the available field data. It is proven that the optimum oil production is by injection a high amount of injection rate. The highest increase in percentage of the total gas production is when an injection of 54 MMSCF is 0.58 %. The higher the compressibility value of the rock, will give the higher the rate of oil and gas production. The relationship between oil rate, gas rate, pressure, and oil recovery factor are directing the compressibility of rocks is a direct relationship.

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (10-2024), Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 3 (22), 79-86

Medical Expert Systems in Ambulance Care
Journal Article

Daily incidents significantly impact the workflow of ambulance and healthcare personnel, whose critical role involves providing immediate medical treatment and facilitating transportation to hospitals. This study presents the design of a medical expert system aimed at enhancing first-aid response in ambulances and educating users on fundamental first-aid principles. The proposed system integrates a comprehensive knowledge base that catalogs disease symptoms and corresponding treatments, functioning similarly to a medical professional's guidance. While the system relies on pre-programmed symptoms, it allows for the continuous addition of new symptoms and diseases, ensuring adaptability in emergencies. This expert system is particularly beneficial for novice healthcare providers, equipping them with reliable diagnostic support and improving patient outcomes during medical emergencies.

Musa Kh A Faneer, Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (10-2024), African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 4 (3), 210-217

Comparative Analysis of Optimal vs. Adequate Structural Design in Sustainable Construction
Journal Article

The growing urgency for sustainable construction practices has necessitated a reevaluation of traditional design approaches in favor of more environmentally responsible methodologies. This paper presents a comparative analysis between optimal and adequate structural design within the context of sustainable construction. Focusing on two case studies—a cutting-edge, sustainably designed commercial building (the Bullitt Center) and a conventional mid-rise residential building in Chicago—the research explores how different design philosophies impact material efficiency, environmental footprint, economic performance, and occupant satisfaction.Through detailed life cycle assessments (LCA) and life cycle energy analyses (LCEA), the study quantifies the advantages of optimal design, which integrates advanced materials, renewable energy systems, and water conservation technologies. The findings demonstrate that while optimal design requires a higher initial investment, it significantly reduces long-term operational costs and environmental impact, achieving a net-zero energy status and greatly improving occupant well-being. In contrast, the conventional building, which adheres to standard design practices, exhibits higher embodied energy, greater environmental degradation, and lower occupant satisfaction.The paper concludes that optimal structural design is not only more sustainable but also economically viable over the building's life span. It emphasizes the importance of integrating sustainability from the earliest stages of design to achieve meaningful environmental and economic benefits. The study calls for the adoption of policy incentives and advanced modeling tools to facilitate the widespread implementation of optimal design principles in the construction industry.

Mohamed Ali karim, (10-2024), المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 35 (2), 1-9