Adaptive E-Learning System using Fuzzy Logic
Journal Article

The spread of ICT in education and learning has changed the way of teaching and learning, and

this raised the issue of getting e-learning systems to adapt/personalize with respect to student's

knowledge achievement. However, the relation between the concepts in the programming domain

are not definitive and they are fuzzily related. In this Paper, we describe a practical experience for

developing adaptable e-learning system using fuzzy logic to model and evaluate student's

knowledge for the purpose of adaptation in the field of Computer Programming. Fuzzy logic

technique modeled as a plugin on MOODLE Learning Management System at the Libyan

Academy for Postgraduate Studies is developed. Conclusions highlighted some important lessons

in increasing learning effectiveness and learner's satisfaction.

Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (12-2021), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 3 (3), 1-14

“Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Reduction Gas Emissions Level inTurbine
Journal Article


in this paper, (CFD) Computational Fluid Dynamics was used for a detailed burner design by the software Fluent (ANSYS). However, a number of numerical simulations were performed on a generic swirl burner and turbulence flow selection of a non-premixed which using syngas. However, non-premixed flames which characterized by relatively high temperatures, high NOx concentrations, and emission indices. The results showed that the presence of methane in syngas increases the peak flame temperature and the thermal NOx, significantly. Therefore, Investigation showed that effecting of H2, CO, and N2 contents in the fuel mixture level NOx emissions, thus the present compositions for pure methane are respectively influenced on syngas1 by (10% CH4, 45% H2, 45% CO) , syngas2 by (50% CH4, 10% H2, 40%N2) and syngas3 (60% CH4, 20% H2, 20%N2).

Hesham Suni Omar Baej, (12-2021), Libya: r The international Eng. Conf. IECMU2021, 1 (9), 75-79

Fault Detection Based on Validated Model of Data Filtering Based Recursive Least Squares Algorithm For Box-Jenkins Systems
Conference paper

In this paper, the data filtering based Recursive Least Squares algorithm (RLS) of linear Box–Jenkins systems is proposed for fault detection. The system is decomposed into two subsystems, one containing the parameters of the system model and the other containing the parameters of the noise model to improve the computational load. In addition, the parameters of the system model and the noise model are estimated and their accuracy are developed. The model validation is tested using two statistical methods, histogram and mean square errors. The residual is generated based on the proposed algorithm to design the threshold and therefore, this designed thresholdis used for fault detection. Simulation results are performed to illustrate the algorithm performance.

Nasar Aldian Ambark Mohamed Shashoa, (12-2021), اسبانيا: IEEE- 2021 Global Congress on Electrical Engineering (GC-ElecEng 2021). IEEE, 1-5

Design, Modelling, and Manufacturing of a Novel Composite Winding Machine for Producing Complex Shapes
Journal Article

This paper aims to design, modeling and manufacturing a prototype composite winding machine used to produce corrugated composite tubes. Seven different types of tubes can be produced: Radial Corrugated Tube (RCT), Radial Corrugated Surrounded by Cylindrical Tube (RCSCT), Cylindrical Tube (CT), Tangential Corrugated Tube (TCT), Tangential Corrugated Surrounded by Cylindrical Tube (TCSCT), Combined Radial and Tangential Corrugated Tube (CRTCT), and Combined Radial and Tangential Corrugated Surrounded by Cylindrical Tube (CRTCSCT). All types can be produced with different size. Although it is designed mainly for composites, however, paper, and thin sheet of metallic materials can be used as raw material too. Different fiber forms can be used such as knitted, woven roving, continuous filament, or chopped mat of glass or carbon fiber. Corrugation profile can be changed to any required shape such as sinusoidal, triangular, square, rectangular, trapezoidal, or combination of any two or more profiles. The machine uses a special technique utilizing a mandrel that can be driven manually as well as automatically. A prototype of a designed machine have been manufactured, and tested. Two different samples of prospected products have been produced successfully.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (12-2021), Journal of Alasmarya University: Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. 6, No. 5, December 2021, Special Issue for Forth Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (CEST-2021): Journal of Alasmarya University: Basic and Applied Sciences, 5 (5), 382-393

Techniques of Sustainable and Green Skyscraper Design-Architecture Versus Structure Demands in Temperate climate
Conference paper

Tall structures and towers have captivated humans for thousands of years, and so they are a fact of modern life in cities for a variety of reasons. However, the most challenging design problem is meeting operational performance requirements and maintaining occupant comfort. Not only are the site energy costs high, the attendant environmental consequences of using non-renewable energy sources are great. This fact prompted searchers and designers to advance and fully embrace green and environmentally friendly design. One of the key goals of the green building movement and technique is to reduce the material, constructional, and operational costs of buildings. This goal can be accomplished by drawing on the synergies

between building geometry, material usage, and the local climate demands. Architect Ken Yeang, in his famous book The Green Skyscraper, suggests that in different climate zones, they should be arranged in different locations to reduce the yearly energy consumption of the building. But Yeang’s claim of the structural system parameters have clear implications for structural performance since buildings with asymmetric distribution of stiffness are known to be susceptible to damaging torsional modes of vibration when subjected to wind or earthquake loading. Thus, this study performs thermal and structural analysis to address the implications of different footprints and core placements on energy and structural performance. The results demonstrate that to accomplish Yeang's claim, a supplementary lateral load resistance system is needed, which demands additional structural material. As a result, buildings with an asymmetric distribution of stiffness are the most expensive, which has a negative impact on the building's

environmental and economic aspects.

Mohamed Ali karim, Muftah Mohamed A. sryh, (12-2021), المؤتمر الهندسي الثالث لنقابة المهن الهندسية بالزاوية: المؤتمر الهندسي الثالث لنقابة المهن الهندسية بالزاوية, 1-21

Modelling the effects of cooling moderate liquid on heat exchanger
Journal Article


In present day triple tube heat exchanger is the most common type heat exchanger widely use in ventilation & air conditioning systems, oil refinery and other large chemical process, because it suits high pressure application. The process in solving simulation consists of modelling and meshing the basic geometry of triple tube heat exchanger using CFD package ANSYS 14.0. The objective of the project is design of triple tube heat exchanger and study the flow and temperature field inside the triple tube using ANSYS software tools. The heat exchanger contains 3 tubes and 500 mm length triple tube diameter 75 mm. In simulation will show how the flow pattern in the triple tube of the heat exchanger with heat transfer effects the efficiency due to the new design of the geometry of triple tube, which results in a significant increase in heat transfer coefficient per unit pressure drop in the heat exchanger spaced reduced

Hesham Suni Omar Baej, (11-2021), INDIA: International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 8 (11), 18432-18441

الرقابة على المخزون ودوره في تحسين الإنتاج دراسة حالة- مصنع سيراميك لبدة
مقال في مجلة علمية

يعتبر المخزون من الموضوعات الهامة وفي كل الأنشطة وعلى مختلف المستويات ويوجد في جميع المؤسسات الاقتصادية والخدمية والتجارية وبالتالي كل هذه المؤسسات تحتاج إلى مخازن ومختصين في مجال الرقابة على المخزون يحقق استخدام النماذج الخاصة بالرقابة على المخزون فوائد متعددة للمؤسسات وخاصة المؤسسات الإنتاجية والتي يتعدد ويتنوع مخزونها، وتزداد الحاجة إلى التحكم فيها لضمان استمراريه عملياتها الإنتاجية دون حدوت نقص أو تكدس في المخزون. يعاني مصنع سيراميك لبدة بمدينة زوارة الليبية من انخفاض في الإنتاج عن المستويات المستهدفة نتيجة لعدم وجود أي نظام للرقابة على المخزون مما نتج عنة نقص في كمية المواد الخام وعدم توفيرها في الوقت المناسب، هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بناء نموذج للرقابة على المخزون والمتمثل في نموذج الكمية الاقتصادية نموذج (ويلسون) من أجل معالجة المشكلة المطروحة والتي تعلقت بكيفية تحديد حجم المخزون الأمثل بما يضمن للمصنع تحسين العملية الإنتاجية ، ومن خلال هذه الدراسة أكتسب الباحث مزيداً من الإلمام المعرفي و خبرة جديدة على الصعيد المهني والأكاديمي، كما تظهر هذه الدراسة أهمية كبيرة من خلال النتائج والتوصيات التي توصل إليها الباحث والتي من شأنها تساهم في تحسين الإنتاج داخل مصنع سيراميك لبدة أما بالنسبة لمنهجية الدراسة تم تقسيمها إلى جانبين جانب نظري اعتمد على الكتب والأدبيات والأطروحات والدراسات السابقة التي تناولت موضوع الدراسة أما الجانب العملي فقد تم استخدام أسلوب دراسة حالة حيث ثم الاعتماد على نموذج رياضي في تطبيق ما تم التطرق إلية في الجانب النظري، وهو نموذج الكمية الاقتصادية المخزون ( نموذج ويلسون) لتجديد حجم المخزون الضروري لتحسين العملية الإنتاجية داخل المصنع. وتوصلت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن بعد ما تم تطبيق نموذج الكمية الاقتصادية على مخزون مادة الفوسفات أدي إلى وجود كمية مخططة من مخزون مادة الفوسفات بكمية اقتصادية تقدر بحوالي 740.65طن وبعدد فترات توريد مخططة حوالي 7 توريدات في السنة أي ((738.46*6.5 = 4800 طن في السنة) أدي إلى تحسن في معدل نمو إنتاجية المصنع من (-3.3) في سنة 2017م إلى (6.6) عن سنة 2018م.

وأوصت الدراسة بجملة من التوصيات أهمها وضع برامج لتوعية العاملين بالمخازن حول استخدام نظام الرقابة على المخزون ومدى ضرورتها داخل المصنع كما يوصي الباحث بضرورة استخدام نموذج الكمية الاقتصادية وفق الاحتياجات المطلوبة وذلك من أجل استمرار العملية الإنتاجية داخل المصنع دون انقطاع، كما يوصى الباحث بالاعتماد على مقاييس التقييم في تقييم إدارة الإنتاج وقسم المخازن ومقارنة الأداء الفعلي مع الأداء المخطط تم تصحيح الانحرافات إن وجدت كما أوصى الباحث بضرورة تطبيق المادة (135) من لائحة العقود الإدارية والتي تنص على فرض غرامات تأخير لا تتجاوز 5% من قيمة العقد على الموردين في حال تأخر الموردين في توريد البضاعة عن موعدها.

عبدالحميد عمار منصور النائض، أ. علي خليفة عمار دربال، (09-2021)، مجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية: الأكاديمية الليبية، 3 (3)، 1-14

النمو العمراني
مقال في مجلة علمية

علي ساسي علي عيسى، (09-2021)، ليبيا: الأكاديمية الليبية، 3 (2)، 1-16

اهمية المناطق المفوحة و المسطحات الخضراء و اترها علي النسيج العمراني
مقال في مجلة علمية

علي ساسي علي عيسى، (09-2021)، ليبيا: الأكاديمية الليبية، 3 (2)، 1-13

Effect of Isothermal Heat Treatment Temperature and Time on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Free Medium Carbon Micro Alloyed Steel
Journal Article

The main goal of the current paper is focused to investigate the effect of isothermal heat treatment

temperature and time on microstructure and strength in a medium carbon vanadium titanium free micro

alloyed steel. Isothermal heat treatment was carried out in the temperature range 350 to 600 C° at

different holding times varying from 2s to 1200s followed by water quenching. Samples were

investigated using optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) paired with

energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and by compressive testing using a servo-hydraulic testing

machine. The results show that, the final microstructure of samples held at high temperatures (550 and

600°C) consists of polygonal intra-granularly nucleated ferrite idiomorphs, combined with grain

boundary ferrite and pearlite were produced and followed by retained austenite that transformed to

martensite upon quenching (incomplete transformation phenomenon). At intermediate temperatures

(450 and 500 °C) an interlocked acicular ferrite (AF) microstructure is produced, hence acicular ferrite

becomes prevalent in the microstructure at (450 °C). The microstructure after the heat treatment at

500°C consists coarse nonpolygonal ferrite grains separated by pearlite colonies. However, at low

temperatures (400 and 350°C), the final microstructure of the samples held at 350°C consists of

bainitic sheaves, where the sheave of parallel acicular ferrite plates, similar to bainitic sheaves but

intra-granularly nucleated were observed, which called in some references as sheaf type acicular ferrite

for samples isothermally treated at 400°C. Yield stress was determined by compression testing on samples

with final Microstructure, the results show that, the observed change in the microstructure is related by a

marked decrease of compressive yield strength, approximately from 1000 to 700 MPa.

Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, (06-2021), Libya: Libyan Academy, 1 (3), 1-9