Optimizing Network Resilience with Segment Routing A Comparative Study of SR TI-LFA and rLFA
Conference paper

Abstract: Network operators are confronted with the demanding requirements resulting from the evolution of IP networks. As a result, it has become necessary to provide rigorous Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that are in line with these requirements. However, traditional IP networks lack the necessary flexibility, scalability, and manageability to meet these demands. In order to address these limitations, the segment routing (SR) architecture has been developed. SR is based on source-routing and tunneling paradigms, which enable IP/MPLS and IPV6 networks to operate in a simplified and more scalable manner. The focus of this paper is on network protection (resiliency) using Topology Independent Loop-Free Alternatives Fast Re-Route (TI-LFA FRR) using MPLS as the underlying technology. SR overcomes the limitations of previous network protection mechanisms in terms of coverage and optimal path selection. To show the effectiveness of SR TI-LFA in comparison to its predecessor, Remote Loop-Free Alternate (rLFA), we have implemented various scenarios. These scenarios are designed to highlight the superior capabilities of TI-LFA. 

Adel Ali Faraj Eluheshi, Mahmud Mansour; Najia Ben Saud, (05-2024), Libya: IEEE, 1-6

Towards Net Zero Energy Buildings for Sustainability
Journal Article

Net Zero Energy (NZE) buildings play a crucial role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and creating environmentally friendly residential areas. These buildings are designed to generate as much energy as they consume, resulting in a net balance of zero energy consumption from the grid. By integrating innovative technologies and sustainable design principles, NZE buildings minimize their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. The acquired result has been presented and discussed. The concept of Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) has gained significant attention in recent years as a crucial strategy for achieving sustainability in the built environment. NZEBs are designed to produce as much energy as they consume, resulting in a net energy balance of zero over a specified period.

Omer.S. M. Jomah, (05-2024), Online AJAPAS: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3 (3), 228-234

Integrated Production Modelling (MBAL Software) to define the Water Influx Model and Properties of an Aquifer for Libyan Undersaturated Oil Reservoir
Conference paper

  Reservoir performance prediction is important aspect of the oil & gas field development planning and reserves estimation which depicts the behavior of the reservoir in the future. This project is conducted in order to integrated production modelling with MBAL software to define the water influx model and its properties of an aquifer for Libyan oil reservoir. The objectives of this project are to determination the PVT of oil, gas, and water. Determination drive mechanism, identification of suitable water influx model and unknown parameter calculations. Define water influx using influx model. Define properties of an aquifer. Material balance software is used as principal method in order to achieve the objectives of those objectives. Based on the Material balance software results, the main source of energy in reservoir was from Water influx, pore volume, and fluid expansion drive mechanism. At the begging, the fluid expansion is from 0 to 40 % and pore volume compressibility is from 40 % to 64 % and the water influx is from 64 % to 100%, after that we has water injection. The model for this reservoir is the Hurst-van Everding-Odeh with the system is radial aquifer. Finally, central objective of this paper with the help of reservoir simulation fulfilled to know the water influx model and its properties and to produce future prediction that will lead to optimize reservoir performance which meant reservoir developed in the manner that brings utmost benefit to the commercial business.

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (04-2024), TOGSE2024: Petroleum Research Center, 1-44

Design of Wireless Communication Network for the Idref Automated Control System II; Advancing Connectivity in the City of Rujban
Journal Article

The quest for reliable water access has been a critical endeavor throughout history, and Rujban

City is no exception. Faced with the challenges of aging infrastructure and reliance on external

water sources, Rujban is turning towards technological innovation for solutions. This paper

outlines the design of the communication component within the Idref Automated Control System

2 (IACS II), a significant advancement in the automation of Rujban's water distribution system.

This system innovatively connects the city's central distributed tank to three distributed tanks via

a robust wireless communication network, while maintaining a wired connection to the Idref

collection tank, the main control station, and associated monitoring rooms and pumps. The system

employs microcontroller-based automation to manage water levels, control signals, and monitor

pump activity and potential leaks, with data displayed on an LCD screen. This approach is poised

to dramatically improve the efficiency and reliability of water distribution in Rujban City, marking

a key step forward in addressing its water supply challenges.

Omar S. Jomah, (04-2024), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS): الأكاديمية الليبية, 1 (6), 9-23

Increasing Oil Recovery by Gas Injection for Libyan Carbonate Sedimentary Field (LCSF) by using Eclipse Software
Journal Article

In this study, two software MBAL - Petroleum Experts and Eclipse are used to do comprehensive reservoir study for LCSF plane of development, this study covered analyses and evaluation. Gas injection essentially increases the rate of oil field development and in many cases permits increased oil recovery. This paper demonstrates a successful simulation case study based on a field data of a project. The objective of this study is to improve recovery from Libyan Carbonate Sedimentary Field by three wells of gas injection. To do that, first, the simulation 3-D model was built by using advanced reservoir simulation software (Schlumberger Eclipse). Second, select the best zone for gas injection. Third, select the best location for injector well. Fourth, determine the injector well depth. The results of the paper can be seen to match the real data of the reservoir with the results of the program using a MBAL software. The simulator results show the reservoir pressure history curve is matching to the stimulation curve, this gives a good allusion of the input data that has been entered to the model. The driving mechanism of this reservoirs it comes from three natural forces, which are fluid expansion, PV compressibility, and water influx. Gas injection scenario has a good plateau bpd lasts approximately 3 years and after that started to decrease. The Cumulative oil production is 108442340 STB barrels of oil with the recovery factor approximately 0.52805 and final reservoir pressure is maintained 328.76 pisa            

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (04-2024), Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 1 (23), 29-40

Design of Wireless Communication Network for the Idref Automated Control System II; Advancing Connectivity in the City of Rujban
Journal Article

The quest for reliable water access has been a critical endeavor throughout history, and Rujban City is no exception. Faced with the challenges of aging infrastructure and reliance on external water sources, Rujban is turning towards technological innovation for solutions. This paper outlines the design of the communication component within the Idref Automated Control System 2 (IACS II), a significant advancement in the automation of Rujban's water distribution system. This system innovatively connects the city's central distributed tank to three distributed tanks via a robust wireless communication network, while maintaining a wired connection to the Idref collection tank, the main control station, and associated monitoring rooms and pumps. The system employs microcontroller-based automation to manage water levels, control signals, and monitor pump activity and potential leaks, with data displayed on an LCD screen. This approach is poised to dramatically improve the efficiency and reliability of water distribution in Rujban City, marking a key step forward in addressing its water supply challenges. Key Words: Wireless Network, Transmitter, Receiver, Control System, Water Pumping, Water Distribution, Smart Irrigation System.

Musa Kh A Faneer, Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (04-2024), Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS): Libyan Academy, 1 (6), 1-13

Enhancing Data Center Performance using Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) EmergingTechnology
Journal Article

Abstract As more and more people turn to the cloud for their personal and professional purposes, cloud computing has become essential for the majority of users. Given the increased demand for cloud virtualization, the datacenter needs to be able to accommodate more virtual machines (VMs) that are housed on its servers. A datacenter employing old technology may accommodate up to 4096 VLANs, which would restrict the number of tenants it could serve. Spanning-Tree Protocol (SPT) is used by VLANs to remove loops, or duplicates, which block half of the routes and waste available bandwidth. The Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN), an emerging technology, must be used from there. It permits network segmentation similar to that of regular VLANs without obstructing traffic or reducing scalability. This study outlined both established and novel approaches and then clarified how to use them for data center topology. It also covered the drawbacks of utilizing conventional technologies. The benefits of cutting-edge technology and its superior influence on datacenter bandwidth utilization. To demonstrate how the new technology enhances data center performance, these technologies were finally replicated using the Eve emulator.

Adel Ali Faraj Eluheshi, Zahra Abdalla Elashaal2 ; Asra Abobker Alazragh3, (04-2024), ليبيا: الأكاديمية الليبية, -2 (-6), 1-14

دور عناصر التصميم الحضري في إحياء وتطوير مركز المدينة
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

 شهد العالم مؤخراً اهتماماً وتطويراً كبيراً في مجال التصميم الحضري وابراز دوره في تنمية مراكز المدن، باعتبارها القلب النابض بالأنشطة المختلفة التي تحرك عجلة الحياة داخلها، وعنصراً أساسياً في تقييم جودة الحياة التي تتحقق بالتخطيط الجيد والتصميم الحضري المستدام الذي يراعي الاحتياج الإنساني والبيئي والاقتصادي.

 طرابلس- ليبيا كانت على مدى قرون مصدر إشعاع الحضارات المختلقة التي تسلسلت عبر عصور طويلة انتهت بالقترة الإيطالية، إلا أنها مؤخراً لم تحظ بالاهتمام اللازم لجعلها مركزاً يراعي أهميتها الجغرافية، الثقافية والاقتصادية لمواكبة نظيراتها من العواصم والمدن الحديثة.

من هذا المنطلق اهتمت الدراسة بتسليط الضوء على إمكانية تطوير ميدان أبورقيبة الواقع ضمن مركزها، ووضع رؤية لجعله فراغاً وظيفياً يراعي قيمة موقعه ضمن منطقة حيوية ونشطة مزدحمة بالمراكز الاقتصادية والإدارية.

وقد اقترحت الدراسة تضمين شرق ميدان ابورقيبة وصولاً الي شارع عمر المختار ليكون مساحة تشمل (محطة نقل بري - حافلات، سيارات - موقف سيارات متعدد الطوابق - منطقة تجارية - منطقة ترفيهية) املاً ان يحقق القيمة المكانية والعمرانية التي تحل المشاكل الراهنة والمتمثلة في الازدحام المروري ومشاكل النقل بالمنطقة لرفع جودة الحياة داخلها.

-       تم اتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في كتابة هذه الورقة اعتمادا على مراجع مهمة لمشاريع ودراسات سابقة لمثل هذه المشاريع وأمثلة على سياسات التطوير المتبعة في التخطيط العمراني.

-       الكلمات المفتاحية: مراكز المدن، إدارة مشاريع، تطوير عمراني، تخطيط عمراني.

محمد عمار العالم عبدالله المجدوبي، نبيهة رمضان التهامي سالم، (02-2024)، طرابلس: الجمعية الليبية للباحثين، 26-34

Accuracy Comparison between F-RLS algorithm for CARAR systems and F-RLS algorithm for CARARMA systems
Journal Article

In this paper, the data filtering based recursive least squares algorithm for a CARAR systems, and data filtering based recursive least squares algorithm for a CARARMA systems are derived for comparison. These algorithms are based on the decomposition technique and in this technique, the main algorithm transform into two sub algorithms with smaller sizes. First, System identification model and another is the noise identification model. The problem here is the unknown variables in the information vectors and the used idea for solving this problem is to replacing these unknown variables with their corresponding estimates. Thus, the parameters of these two identification models can be estimated using recursive least squares method. Finally, a simulation example is provided to support the comparison between these proposed algorithms. KEYWORDS: identification algorithm; parameter estimation; filtering technique; decomposition technique; information vector.

Omer S. M. Jomah, (12-2023), Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies: Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (1), 130-135

ABAQUS Modelling and Experimental Tests Comparison for Certain Classes of Composite Isolated Joints
Journal Article

Depending on the type of configuration and connector arrangement, beam-to-column end-plate joints can be rigid, semi-rigid, or pinned. Fully restrained joints are required for rigid frames in which it is anticipated that the frame joints will have adequate rigidity to maintain the angles between intersecting parts in the service condition, ensuring full moment transfer. In contrast, partially restrained joints in semi-continuous frames are distinguished by relative rotations between crossing members, allowing the bending force to be transferred only partially. The concept of utilizing partially restricted, unstiffened joints in construction has gained traction since it looks to be more feasible and inexpensive. Bending transfer in partially constrained joints allows semi-continuous frames to withstand actions. Semi-continuous frames can survive actions due to bending transfer in partially restricted joints. At the same time, a certain degree of rotation is permitted, which improves the overall ductility of these structures. Using thinner end plates than those used in practical applications is one of the most effective ways to affect the ductility of end-plate beam-to-column joints. It was confirmed in a previous experimental study that the composite joints, where the thickness of the end plates is equivalent to about 60% of the diameter of the bolt used in composite joints, were taken into account in subsequent tests, and these studies can be confirmed using ABAQUS and Ls-Dyna modelling. All of these concerns are addressed, and recommendations for numerical modelling methodologies are made in order to ultimately analyse the reaction of the symmetric extended end plate joints with 8-bolts under hogging and sagging bending moments.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (08-2023), جامعة قطر: جامعة قطر, 2 (2), 222-228