Determination of Austenite Grain Size in Titanium and Titanium Free Micro-alloyed Steels by the Combination of Heat Treatment and Thermal Etching TE
Journal ArticleTo reveal the prior-austenite grain boundaries in micro-alloyed steels there is different techniques. This study has been carried out over a wide range of temperature (950-1150 οC) and it has been found that the tested procedure based on the combination of heat treatment and thermal etching (TE) method give excellent results for the Titanium and Titanium free medium carbon micro-alloyed steels at all the austenitization conditions tested.
The Influence of Organisational Culture on the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning
Journal ArticleThe critical key success factors, which have to be targeted with appropriate change management, are the user acceptance and support of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at the early implementation stages. This becomes even more important in Arab context where national and organisational culture with a different value and belief system, resulting in different management styles, might not complement with Western business culture embedded in the predefined standard business processes of existing ERP packages. This study explains and critically evaluates research into national and organizational culture and the influence of different national cultures on the implementation and reengineering process of ERP packages in an Arab context. Using a case study, realized through a quantitative survey testing five of Martinsons’s and Davison’s propositions in a Libyan sample company, confirmed the expected results from the literature review that culture has an impact on the implementation process and that employee empowerment is an unavoidable consequence of an ERP implementation.
Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, (06-2016), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 10 (7), 2315-2320
Quality management system audit and its impact on company's performance
Journal ArticleThe purpose of this paper is to find out the impact of Quality Management System (QMS) ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 certification audit on company’s Performance. Libyan petroleum Institute has been certified ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 for 8 years. Therefore, it is necessary to study and analyze the impact of that certification on its performance. Survey study has been done by distributing a questionnaire by handing it personally to qualified staff in the 15 accredited laboratories in the institute. The response rate was 66.6%. The statistical operations with the results of analytical study have been done to achieve the goal and objectives of the research. Finally, ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 certification audit is found to have a positive effect on the institute’s performance.
Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, (06-2016), IJSSER: International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 1 (7), 964-976
On the Suitability of Type-1 Fuzzy Regression Tree Forests for Complex Datasets.
Conference paperOne of the challenges in data mining practices is that the datasets vary in complexity and often have different characteristics such as number of attributes, dependent variables characteristics etc. In terms of regression problems, the features that describe the dataset will vary in their complexity, sparseness verses coverage in relation to the decision space, and the number of outcome classes. Fuzzy Decision trees are well-established classifiers in terms of building robust, representative models of the domain. In order to represent different perspectives of the same domain, fuzzy trees can be used to construct fuzzy decision forests to enhance the predictive ability of singular trees. This paper describes an empirical study which examines the applicability of fuzzy tree regression forests to seven different datasets which have complex properties. The relationship between dataset characteristics and the performance of fuzzy regression tree forests is debated.
Fathi Sidig Mohamed Gasir, (06-2016), 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 656-663
Providing Open Access for Scholarly Information in Libya
Conference paperDigital libraries support the transition of academic
institutions towards digital universities, and introducing ETD digital
repositories is believed to be a step in this process. This paper
describes an ETD Digital Library project at the Libyan Academy of
Graduate Studies. The project aims to build digital library for theses
and dissertations (ETD). This work is a project for the first
institutional ETD digital library in the Libyan country. The
researchers developed a system based on Greenstone open source
system for building ETD digital library. A metadata for theses and
dissertations was developed in this research. The paper addresses
issues related to project design, development and user satisfaction.
Conclusions highlighted some important lessons learned to date.
Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (05-2016), الفلبين: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-4
Micro Learning: A Modernized Education System
Journal ArticleLearning is an understanding of how the human brain is wired to learning rather than to an approach or a system. It is one of the best and most frequent approaches for the 21st century learners. Micro learning is more interesting due to its way of teaching and learning the content in a small, very specific burst. Here the learners decide what and when to learn. Content, time, curriculum, form, process, mediality, and learning type are the dimensions of micro learning. Our paper will discuss about micro learning and about the micro-content management system. The study will reflect the views of different users, and will analyze the collected data. Finally, it will be concluded with its pros and cons.
Omer Jomah, (03-2016), Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2016, ISSN 2067-3957 (online), ISSN 2068 - 0473 (print): BRAIN - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 7 (1), 103-110
Hydrodynamics During the Transient Evolution of Open Jet Flows from/to Wall Attached Jets
Journal ArticleAbstract
Swirl stabilized flows are the most widely deployed technology used to stabilize gas turbine combustion systems. However, there are some coherent structures that appear in these flows close to the nozzle whose occurrence and stability are still poorly understood during transition. The external recirculation zone and the Precessing Vortex Core to/from the Coanda effect are some of them. Thus, in this paper the transition of an Open Jet FlowMedium Swirl flow pattern to/from a Coanda jet flow is studied using various geometries at a fixed Swirl number. Phase Locked Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry and High Speed Photography experiments were conducted to determine fundamental characteristics of the phenomenon. It was observed that the coherent structures in the field experience a complete annihilation during transition, with no dependency between the structures formed in each of the flow states. Moreover, transition occurs at a particular normalized step size whilst some acoustic shifts in the frequencies of the system were noticed, a phenomenon related to the strength of the vortical structures and vortices convection. It is concluded that a transient, precessing, Coanda Vortex Breakdown is formed, changing flow dynamics. The structure progresses to a less coherent Trapped Vortex between the two states. During the phenomenon there are different interactions between structures such as the Central Recirculation Zone, the High Momentum Flow Region and the Precessing Vortex Core that were also documented.
Hesham Suni Omar Baej, (03-2016), Flow, Turbulence and Combustion:, 97 (3), 743-760
دراسه تأثير بعض المضافات البوليمرية علي الخواص الميكانيكيه للخلطات الإسفلتيه الساخنة
مقال في مؤتمر علميساهم التطور بشبكات الطرق والنقل والذي شهده العالم في السنوات الاخيره في التطور الكبير في الحركه
التجاريه والصناعيه والسياحيه. ولذلك ركزت الكثير من الدراسات علي التصميم الجيد وعلي طرق الصيانه الجيده
والتي تضمن اداء ممتاز للطريق خلال العمر التصميمي له. غير هذه الدراسات لم تصل الي خليط اسفلتي مثالي بلائم الظروف المناخيه وذلك بسبب التأثير المشترك لمحموعه من العوامل علي اداء طبقات الرصف. ومن هنا جاءت هذه الدراسه وذلك من اجل الوصول الي خلطه اسفلتيه تلائم الظروف التشغيليه والمناخيه في ليبيا. وتقارن هذه الدراسه بين 3انواع من الخلطات الاسفلتيه وهي خلطه اسفلتيه بدون مضافات و خلطه اسفلتيه مع مادة ) (super.plasterالصلبه و خلطه اسفلتيه مع مادة ) (Iterleneالسائله وذلك من خلال نتائج تجربه مارشال. فقد اظهرت النتائج ان المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة الايترلين به اقل نسبة بتومين مثلي وكانت %4.13يليه المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة السوبر بلاست والتي كانت نسبة البيتومين المثلي به .%4.98 اما المخلوط الاسفلتي بدون مضافات فكانت نسبة البتومين المثلي .%5.05اوضحت النتائج ان المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة الايترلين اعطي افضل النتائج حيث كانت الكثافة الجافة عند نسبة البتومين الممثلي 2.522 جم/سم 3و ونسبة الفراغات الهوائية ) (VTMكانت %2.09و نسبة الفراغات المملؤة بالبتومين ) (VFBكانت 74.96وكان انسياب مارشال ) 3.32 (FLOWمم و ثبات مارشال 27.79كيلونيوتن
اسماعيل قودان علي نايل، (03-2016)، جامعة غريان: المؤتمر الوطمي السادس لمواد البناء و الهندسة الانشائية، 202-209
Combustion Blowoff Effects on the Central Recirculation Zone using various Syngas mixtures in a Tangential Swirl Burner
Journal ArticleLean premixed swirl stabilised combustion is regarded as one of the most successful technologies for flame control and NOx reduction. The important characteristics of these flows are the good mixing, flame stability through the formation of a Central Recirculation Zone, and the low emissions at lean conditions as a consequence of temperature drop. Now the potential wide range of available fuels presents a problem in terms of variation of heating values, flame speeds and chemical reactivity. Process, refinery gases and gasified coal or biomass are just a few examples. The biggest challenge to fuel-flexibility of most combustors is the large differences between natural gas and the proposed replacement fuels which causes variations in the stability profiles of the combustion process. In this paper, lean premixed swirl combustion of CH 4 /H 2 /CO fuel mixtures was investigated experimentally and numerically to understand the impacts of these fuels on fundamental stability phenomena such as blowoff. The swirl burner used was operated at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature using a moderate swirl number. Different nozzles were used to determine the impact of the blends on the Central Recirculation Zones. Methane content in the fuel was decreased from 50% to 0% (by volume) with the remaining amount split equally between carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Chemical kinetic analyses were carried out using PRO-CHEMKIN to determine flame speeds and chemical properties needed for CFD calculations. Experiments were done using a Phase Locked PIV system. The Central Recirculation Zone and its turbulence were measured and correlated providing details of the structure close to blowoff. The results show how the strength and size of the recirculation zone are highly influenced by the blend, with a shift of turbulence based on carbon-hydrogen ratio, nozzles effects on the shearing flow and Re numbers. Correlation with the phenomenon was also achieved using the k-cc SST CFD model, providing more information about the impact of the CRZ and the flame turbulent nature close to the blowoff limit.
Hesham Suni Omar Baej, (01-2016), San Diego, California, USA: AIAA, 54 (1153), 1-9
Crushing Characteristics of Multilayers Corrugated Composite Plates with Square Profile
Journal ArticleCorrugated composite plate with different profile may be of interest for energy absorption application due to their improved crashworthiness. In the current paper, square profile corrugated composite plates made of fiber glass reinforced plastic (FGRP) are introduced as energy absorption structure. Different arrangements of the corrugated plate are tested. In addition to that, the effect of placing a flat composite plate made from same material is studied experimentally. Multilayers (single, double, and triple layers) of the square profile corrugated composite plates have been fabricated and tested under the same condition. The tested specimens are subjected to quasi-static compression load. The well-known crashworthiness parameters are being recorded and used to compare the different configurations.
Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (01-2016), Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering (MATERIAL APPLICATIONS , PERFORMANCE AND LIFE CYCLE: Elsevier publication, London Ref. No. 04093, Oxford: Elsevier, 978 (12), 1-7